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The Mixtape Project

Bringing Fresh Function to a Forgotten Form

This series started as a way to make music tangible again. Long gone are the days of album art that you had to hold with both hands, or even liner notes to memorize as you listened to that CD for the first time. Music’s materiality quickly became homogenized thumbnails on a 6 by 3 inch screen in your hand. I grew up being able to hold my music. These tapes are a callback to that era, honored and re-contextualized for today.

The unique QR code connects an old technology with a current one, allowing you to store music metaphorically and aesthetically. I bet there are a handful of people you know that still have a drawer full of cassettes, but no tape deck to play them on. Yet, nearly all of those people have a mobile device they stream music directly from. That anachronistic contrast birthed this project. 

I’ve had a great time exploring the roles mixtapes played for me growing up. I’m looking forward to seeing what type of space these ART-ifacts hold for other people.

My commissions are now open for custom mixtapes. You can recreate a tape from your past or craft a fresh mix for someone special, either way I’ve got you covered. Any streaming service link can get turned into a QR code and slapped on your tape. For a little extra I can curate a list for you. 

Fill out the form below if you are interested in a custom SuperClassic Mixtape. I will get in touch and we’ll have a quick vibe session to start the process. It will take me about two weeks to complete a custom tape.